Archive for Robert Rusler

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985)

Posted in Horror Review, Seq Week with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 9, 2010 by Pass the Popcorn!

Director: Jack Sholder

Writers: David Chaskin (written by)

Wes Craven (characters)

Tagline: The first name in terror returns…

Plot: A teenage boy is haunted in his dreams by Freddy Krueger who is out to possess him to continue his murdering in the real world.

Cast: Mark Patton – Jesse Walsh

Kim Myers – Lisa Webber

Robert Rusler – Ron Grady

Clu Gulager – Ken Walsh

Hope Lange – Cheryl Walsh

Review (spoilers):

I wrote about the first Nightmare on Elm Street (which I edited today & changed it’s grade, check it out) some time ago. Despite all warnings that the first sequel it’s the worst movie in the whole serial I decided to watch it today. And guess what? I loathed it…very much. I don’t know where to start, I found it to be awful on so many different levels. The plot consists of Freddy haunting some random guy. Apparently, Freddy’s goal is to use him to continue his murders in the real world. As you can see the whole concept of Freddy Kreuger is destroyed in this sequel: you don’t even have to be asleep to be killed by him. And his arrival to the real world was made so stupidly, it finally occurs at the end of the movie but he could have done it sooner with no problems. None of his actions don’t make any sense, actually the whole script is very weak. I also didn’t like how Freddy’s razorblade glove changes to a normal hand with razors coming out of it in some scenes, I found that to be annoying.  Btw, I don’t even know if I am the only one who thinks that Freddy had became a pussy in this sequel. He makes almost no decent kills (except one) and he was finally defeated by a single kiss (how romantic). And of course “The First Name in Terror” (as he is represented in the tagline) can’t handle a struggle with one weak teenage girl.

Speaking of that teenage girl, I must mention how horrible the acting was. From the start I knew not to expect nothing special from the actors (expect from Robert Englund maybe) but this was just awful. The bad acting can best be seen in the scene where  a house hold parrot suddenly goes crazy and attacks the whole Walsh family ( seriously, that scene was wtf). It is so silly and stupid that it even found itself  in a Youtube video series named “Worst movie scenes ever”.  The funniest thing in that scene would surely be the reactions of the family members which were strange? (if you want, you can go rewatch that scene on Youtube and slowly follow the little girl’s reactions, it seems to me that she is smiling, which made the whole scene for me even funnier).The death of that parrot was one of the rare death scenes which you’ll see in Freddy’s Revenge. First kill occurs very late in the movie (a half a hour through). In the whole movie Freddy kills only 3 people (correct me if I’m wrong) and he had much more chances to prove that he really is ” The First Name in Terror”. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that those murders are very weak for a serial like “Nightmare on Elm Street”.

I want to discuss one more thing… I hope I’m not the only who perceived some softcore gay porn influences which was very strange to me. (A BIG NOTE: I don’t have bad anything against homosexuals but I really didn’t expect to see something like this in Freddy’s Revenge). First off all Jesse enters a bar where homosexuals and transsexuals hang out only to find out that his gym teacher is out there. His gym leader gets spanked by a towel before Freddy kills him. Also Jesse had some troubles with getting near to Lisa but he instantly turns to his friend Grady and begs him to watch over him while he sleeps, etc. I really didn’t expect that kind of mood.

My Rating: 2/10… It’s just bad, simply skip this one in the serial and move onto A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. That one can’t be worse than this.